Communication - Mobility - Photovoltaics - IT - Sports - Recreation

Your full-service mobile partner.

As a full-service partner, LANGGRUPPE offers customized solutions for your mobile life and work.

The long group

LANGGRUPPE is not just another full-service provider. We are your trusted partner to help you realize your vision in multiple areas. It is our mission to provide our clients with simplified access to multiple disciplines with seamless communication and top expertise - all from a single source.

Welcome to LANGGRUPPE, where your dreams drive

Customers who trust us

Our services

Businesses and consumers alike trust us when it comes to customized mobile communications solutions. Our expertise coupled with a wide range of services enables us to offer you exactly the solutions you need for your communications requirements. From single cell phone contracts for consumers to complex communications infrastructures for enterprises, we cover the entire spectrum.

The decisive advantage for you: With us, you receive all services and solutions from a single source. Say "goodbye" to multiple contacts and enjoy the convenience of centralized, efficient and effective communication.

Whether you manage a fleet, maintain company cars or want the best possible care for your private vehicle - the LANGGRUPPE is your competent partner in all mobility matters. Our comprehensive service portfolio covers every aspect of your mobility needs: from professionally accompanied purchases and sales to customized financing options and repair services - we leave nothing to be desired.

Enjoy the comfort of holistic care and the reliability of first-class services, in line with the principle of "everything from a single source".

You would like to equip your company or your own home with sustainable photovoltaic systems? Then you have come to the right place! The LANGGRUPPE is your contact for all questions concerning solar energy and offers individual solutions, which are exactly tailored to your needs. With us, your path to the future of energy will be clear and simple.

You want to get a foothold in e-commerce, build a website or improve your online presence? Then LANGGRUPPE is the right place for you! We offer SaaS solutions that are customized to your specific business needs and make your online commerce seamless and efficient.

Through our connection with digital experts, we are able to offer you comprehensive online solutions that go beyond pure e-commerce business. From website design to SEO to social media marketing - we leave nothing to be desired online. Take the first step towards digital transformation and discover the possibilities of online commerce with the LANGGRUPPE.

LANGGRUPPE also makes the hearts of sports enthusiasts beat faster. We offer a wide range of sporting goods as well as the opportunity to support your local clubs with a purchase on our procurement platform.

From drinks and unique gifts to fashion - the LANGGRUPPE is your partner for all occasions. You can also benefit from our strong network in the leisure sector.

Satisfied customers about Lang Group

"In the store and in the field, we at Langgruppe score points with independent, competent advice, rapid quoting and personal selling."

Michael Lang, Managing Director of the LANGGRUPPE

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